So this weekend i had a phone call from my bestest friend in the whole world with good news for me. I had no idea what was coming, normally good news is coming to see me or she has her college work done...this time it was totally different to either! I did not have to sit and listen to her chatting away like normal, it was my turn to chat and ask about things.
She asked if i would like to photographer her brother's wedding next year :) i was completely shocked at this question she had just put upon me... am i really that good a photographer?? Will i cock it up?? So i agreed to do this for them. This will be my first wedding EVER.. considering i normally photograph landscape, environment, bands and a few studio fashion shoots. It's not until June next year so i need to prep myself for it by getting some new add-ons for my camera so i don't look like a right amateur turning up with just my camera.
Things to get:
Wide Angle Lens
Flash Gun (decent one)
Extra Battery Pack (attachable to bottom)
VERY excited about this. Cannot wait.
So after that phone call it put me in a very good mood for the rest of the weekend. Also now have to start practising some hair and make-up techniques because i am hoping to get onto a creative hair and media make-up course instead of University which i am currently boring my way through at the moment.
Higher education for photography is a load of rubbish....why should you get a piece of paper with your name on it and a PASS,2:2,2:1 or 1st on it to prove you are a good photographer?? Why do you need that closure?
Surely your own ability to photograph comes from practice and skill of ones self rather than sitting in a classroom for hours a week learning about other photographers and trying to emulate their work for 3 sad old men who gave up a photography dream about 20 years ago to criticize what you have done wrong.... I don't think so. So therefore if you want people to have a go at you and make you do something you do not want to do in the photographic world...then Uni is defiantly for for me i think it is a load of rubbish to sit there and limit your skill, passion and ability. So higher education in photography can get fucked, i do not need a bit of paper proving that i can point and shoot. Employers want creative flair and inspirational young people who can be moulded and step outside the box, and that people is defiantly something that will NOT come from a bit of paper.
:) Ta Rar. x
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